Glossary of ringing terms – L
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Words or phrases underlined are defined within the glossary. Where it assists with clarity, a definition is annotated to indicate a part of speech. (n) = noun, (vb) = verb, (adj) = adjective, (adv) = adverb. Section references refer to sections within The Tower Handbook.
- Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | JK | L |M | N | O | P |Q | R | S | T | UV | W | XYZ | Diagrams
- L
- = Last. A twin bob calling position in Stedman with calls when the observation bell is doing the last whole turn and running out slow.
- Laminated
- (1) - A scheme for mixing methods where the change of method takes effect when passing the treble.(as opposed to spliced where it takes place at the row after the lead, or half lead). Used in Doubles.
(2) - A composition of spliced with few changes of method.
- Lapping
- Technique for ringing changes on handbells where ringers are in a row with the bells in front of each of them. Each ringer strikes the blows in the same pair of positions every time, and the changes are effected by passing the bells left or right to alter the sequence
- Lashing
- (n) The top part of the bell rope wound round between the two vertical spokes of the wheel.
(vb) Silencing a bell by tying the clapper.
- Lead
- (1) - (v) Striking one or more blows (normally two) in first place.
(2) - (n) Portion of a method between successive treble leads
(3) - (n) Lead end change.
(4) - (n) The shortest part of a method which, when repeated, will generate the entire course.
- Lead end
- (1) - (Strictly) the last row of a lead of a method, ie the first blow at which the treble leads.
(2) - (Colloquially) The second row of a lead (which is strictly the lead head).
(3) - The combination of lead head row, lead end row, and the lead end change that joins them.
See also: half lead.
- Lead end change
- The change while the treble is leading.
- Lead head
- The first row of a lead
- Lead head code
- A standardised code related to the lead order of a method, and also to the place made at the lead (ie the lead end change). Sometimes referred to as a group letter. Codes are listed in the Appendix C of the Framework for Method Ringing.
- Lead order
- The order of place bells in the plain course of a method. The commoner orders are often referred to by a standard method with that order. The following examples are for Major, but other stages follow the same pattern. Plain Bob - 8753246, Cambridge - 8526734, London - 8642357, Little Bob - 8437625. The Central Council uses a system of letters for groups of methods with each possible lead orders, for example Plain Bob is in Group a, Cambridge in Group b, Little Bob in Group e and London in Group f.
- Lead splicer
- Relationship between methods where a lead of one contains the same rows as a corresponding lead of the other (but not necessarily in the same order), so a lead of one can be replaced with a lead of the other in a spliced composition without affecting the truth. See also: Course splicer, 3-lead splicer, 6-lead splicer
- Length
- The number of changes in a touch. Usually (and for practical purposes) this is the same as the number of distinct rows in a true touch, which returns to the row from which it started. But it is possible to produce touches that don't do this, for example 5039 changes of Grandsire Triples that includes all 5040 possible rows including the initial Rounds, but where the row following the 5040th change is not Rounds
- Lengthening lead
- A characteristic of certain types of lead end where bells affected by a bob repeat the work of the previous lead.
- LE
- Lead end
- Let out (rope)
- Move the grip down the rope, to increase its effective length.
- LH
- Lead head.
- Lie (behind)
- Ring in last place for one or more blows (normally two).
- Lie to the treble
- Make seconds.
- Light set
- A bell that does not go far beyond the balance point before being stopped by the stay, hence there is little margin between not swinging high enough to go over the balance, and going over with enough energy to bounce off the stay and return over the balance.
- Lightning work
- Work entailing moving rapidly from back to front to back (or vice versa) with a single snap lead or lie at the turning points (particularly in Bristol, - see fig 15.2-6 - also sometimes treble bob work in Double Norwich).
- Lincolnshire
- A right place Surprise method (Cambridge group).
- Line
- Visual representation of the work of a bell where position within a row is represented laterally and progression through the method (ie successive rows) is represented vertically. The line is conventionally drawn by tracing through the position of a bell with rows written one above the other but some people prefer to rotate it by 90 degrees. The complete line for a whole method is its blue line.
- Lip
- The extreme edge of the bell.
- Listed bell
- A bell on the Church Buildings Council's List of Bells of Historical Importance. Listing implies restrictions on retuning, re-casting or disposal. Any work on a listed bell in a church requires a faculty.
- Little
- A class of method in which the treble or hunt bell does not reach both exterior places.
- Little Bob
- A little method based on Plain Bob
- Liversedge variation
- An arrangement for splicing Kent and Oxford Treble Bob Major in which during each course both the tenors make a bob while ringing Oxford, the remainder of the course being Kent. Bobs may be used at M, W and H. See also: Cam, Granta, Ilkeston, Killamarsh, and Worcester.
- London
- A wrong place Surprise method characterised by mainly backwards hunting interrupted mainly by the proximity of the treble. One of the standard eight.
- London group
- (1) Group of Surprise methods with the same lead order (place bell order) as London (2nds place, 3rds place, 5ths place, ......... 4ths place)
(2) Group of Surprise Minor methods that have the same work above the Treble as London
- Long ...(place)
- (eg 'long 3rds) More than two blows (normally 4) in (eg 3rds) place.
- Long course
- (1) A course in which the observation bell is affected by a call and returns to the same position (normally its natural position) after more changes than a normal course.
(2) A course in Grandsire Caters longer than the four leads common in most modern peals. Old style peals of Grandsire Caters were called 'long course peals', since they had only one or two calls per course giving six or five lead courses, whereas modern peals normally have three calls per course.
- Long length
- (1) A touch significantly longer than a quarter peal but less than a peal.
(2) A long peal.
- Long peal
- A peal containing significantly more than the minimum number of changes, usually rung to set or break a record.
- Long splice
- A splice in which only one strand is worked into the rope in one place, thus reducing the extra thickness by spreading the tucks further along the rope. A long splice could be 2 - 3 feet (6-900mm) long, depending on the space between its three (or four) parts.
- Long work
- An extended portion of work, often on the front or back, often characteristic of a particular method.
- Look about
- Call to gain attention at the before the rise and before starting call changes during top ringing in a Devon style ringing performance.
- Look to
- (a) Initial call by the treble ringer to gain the others' attention before pulling off.
('Look to.........Treble's going..........Treble's gone')
(b) Short for Look to the fall.
- Look to the fall
- Called to initiate lowering in peal.
- Look out then
- Instruction warning that the calling of a (Devon) call change "peal" is about to start.
- Loughborough
- John Taylor, one of two remaining British bell foundries.
- Louvres
- Sloping boards or slabs set above one another in the bell chamber openings to stop rain coming in and allow the sound out. Louvres also have the unfortunate side effect of reflecting the sound down close to the church, especially if installed at the same level as the bells.
- Low
- (as in 'too low'), near the start of the row.
- Lower
- (1) Ring the bell so that it swings progressively less until it is resting mouth downwards. (Also 'get the bell down')
(2) Exhortation to ring nearer the front of the row, ie earlier in the sequence.
- Lower away
- Alternative call by the Treble to initiate lowering in peal.
- Lower in peal
- Lower all the bells together, while ringing rounds.
- Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | JK | L |M | N | O | P |Q | R | S | T | UV | W | XYZ | Diagrams