Glossary of ringing terms – JK
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Words or phrases underlined are defined within the glossary. Where it assists with clarity, a definition is annotated to indicate a part of speech. (n) = noun, (vb) = verb, (adj) = adjective, (adv) = adverb. Section references refer to sections within The Tower Handbook.
- Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | JK | L |M | N | O | P |Q | R | S | T | UV | W | XYZ | Diagrams
- Jump call
- It is possible to ring two sets of simultaneous, non interacting changes, eg on twelve bells, the front and back six could each ring Plain Bob Minor. A jump call moves some bells between the two sets.
- Jump(ing) changes
- Changes where the bells can move more than one position at a time.
- Keg Meg
- A musical row on six bells - 125463.
- Kent
- One of the two commonest Treble Bob methods
- Kent places
- Hunting interrupted by two contiguous places (in lieu of a dodge), as in Kent .
- Key
- Number of rounds per minute (used in Devon)
- Kicking board
- Running board
- Kings
- A term found in call changes, but meaning different things in different places. On five, it is similar to Queens but does not end with the tenor, ie 13524. On eight, it is used as an alternative name for Crossovers 13254768 or for a variation of Whittingtons 75312468. On ten, the latter becomes 9753124680.
- Killamarsh variation
- An arrangement for splicing Kent and Oxford Treble Bob major in which the tenors are kept out of the slow by splicing in Oxford, but bobs and other Oxford substitutions are also used. See also: Cam, Granta, Ilkeston, Liversedge and Worcester..
- Knock
- An alternative term for cover.
- Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | JK | L |M | N | O | P |Q | R | S | T | UV | W | XYZ | Diagrams