The Tower Handbook
The printed version of The Tower Handbook had a comprehensive index, and its contents are listed here. The references are still to the page numbers in the printed version. (Creating ~1200 links by hand was too difficult but if I find a way to automate the process in future I may add links.)
Using this index – Even so, you can still use the index.
Terms listed in the index refer to the main body of the text (sections 1 - 14). Terms that only occur in the glossary (section 15 ) are not included in this index.
Access - 301
Ringing chamber - 73
Needs - 122
Holding back - 210
Maintenance - 305
Non verbal - 207
Standing behind - 208
Timing - 209
Affiliation - 102
After bell - 244
To recruit - 127
Annual meeting - 93, - 102
Anti-clockwise ring - 59
Archives - 84
Attendance - 24
Predicting - 74
Back splice - 293
Backstroke v Handstroke
Ease of setting - 62
Badly going bell - 198
Exercise - 169
Development - 122
Helping learners - 155
Placing - 132
Bastow - 182
Bats - 305
Ball - 277
Lubricant - 279
Lubrication - 277, - 278
Plain - 277
Origin of name - 48
Belfry reform movement - 34
Light set - 62
Adjust on headstock - 296
Centre of gravity adjust. - 297
Deep set - 62
Lash clapper - 77
Maintenance - 295
Major third - 37
Making - 36, - 66
Need for tuning - 68
Odd struck - 50, - 296
Origin - 36
Quieten - 77
Shape - 37, - 67
Suitable for teaching - 154
Tuning - 295
Bell club - 75
Bell control
Accuracy - 178
Assessing - 161
Hunting - 181
Success criteria - 177
Teaching - 164
Bell down
Teaching - 172
Bell handling - 58, - 59, - 130
Combined with practice - 137
Four things to control - 214
Good style - 217
Importance - 164
Intervention when teaching - 174
Learning - 213
Problems - 176
Progression - 170
Rope length for teaching - 16
v Bell control - 164
When good enough - 218
Bell movement
Matching - 168
Bell plates - 79
Bell up
How to tell - 11
Teaching - 172
Bell wheel
Origin - 37
Recording - 81
Black board - 82
Blind ringers - 226
Blue line - 240, - 362, - 363
Memorising - 251
Origin - 48
Bob caller - 259
Bolt tightening - 274
List - 3
Shelves - 70
Which to keep in tower - 82
Big bells - 60
Different size - 76
Use of - 16
Broken rope
What to do - 14
What to do - 243
When to move - 234
Call changes
Best results - 141
Call frequency - 188
Developing ropesight - 196
Devon style - 41
Different techniques - 186, - 231
Exercises while not ringing - 188
Giving extra information - 187
Including dodging - 188
Learning - 231
Musical - 141
Next step - 189
Preparation - 185
Rapid calling - 142
Teaching - 185
When competent - 235
Call round
Delay in stabilising - 28
Or stand? - 212
When to - 211
All affected - 187
Down - 187, - 232
In sequence - 187
Learning - 259
Pair order - 187
Pairs - 187, - 233
Touches away from the tenor - 263
Up - 187, - 232
Whole row - 187
Calling positions - 259
Stedman - 261
Calling technique
Working out which - 233
Cambridge group - 253
Cambridge places - 365
Cannon - 285
Car tyre muffle - 78
Carpet - 73
Cartwheel ringing - 189
Cast-in crown staple - 284
Castor oil - 278
Cats ears - 365
Ceiling, low - 58
Central Council - 35
Formation - 36
Certificates - 83
Maximum number - 44
versus row - 43
Change ringing - 43
Changing pairs - 233
Charity donations - 33
v pull - 168, - 214
Events for young - 152
Working with - 96
Recruit from - 127
Other service to - 33
Church clock - 304
Relationship with ringers - 106
Clapper - 284
Adjustment - 285, - 296
Bearing wear - 285
Free play excessive - 285
Removal - 286
Tied - 77
Clapper bolt
Independent - 284
Clapper stay - 77
Cleaning rotas - 31
Clock face tapping - 367
Cloister - 182
Coach screws - 302
Coil handling exercise - 167
When not to use - 17
Comfort - 71
How to secure - 125
Good - 105
Relationship with - 109
Record of ringing - 32
Complaints - 107
Action - 109
Avoiding - 108
Setting out - 366
From manuscript - 45
Learning - 259
Progression - 204
Teaching - 203
Conductor - 124
How long to become - 269
Confidence - 197
Consensus about objectives - 85
Example - 102
Need for - 101
Counting places - 236
Course bell - 244
Coursing order - 249
Bells affected at calls - 263
Benefits - 249
Changes - 250
Checking - 262
Grandsire - 264
Part hidden - 267
Transposing - 262
Uses - 261
Court places
Court - 364
Ropesight for - 228
To develop ropesight - 196
Crown Bob Minor - 39
Crown staple - 275
Curtain - 72
Customs - 40
Cycle outing - 151
Bell up wrong - 53
Deep set bell - 62
Devon call-change ringing - 41
Dingle - 275
Avoiding - 106
Dodge - 363
Harder one way - 236
Which way round - 242
Learning - 235
Practice - 235
Teaching - 180
Donations - 74
Dong exercise - 200, - 201
Double Bob - 245, - 246
Double changes - 45
Double handed ringing - 42
Double method - 46, - 247
Double struck ringing - 149
Pure - 45
Down knot - 12
Drawn rope - 58, - 283
Dropping, continual - 176
Dumb bell - 48
Dummy tail end - 80
Dust control - 31
Duties of ringers - 104
Reduction - 223
Election - 87
Emergency drill - 165
Balancing - 169
Call changes while standing out - 188
Coil handling - 167
Dong - 200
Facing outwards - 201
Hand ring - 166
Listening - 201
Rhythm - 199
Rope grip transfer - 167
Rope tension - 167
Ropesight - 195
Vertical hand movement - 166
Exercise, The - 48
Extreme - 39
Eye splice - 293
Faculty - 96
Need for - 32
Falseness - 268
Family involvement - 156
Fault - 119
Uncorrected - 159
v pull - 168
Feeling the bell - 222
Fees for ringing? - 100
Fighting the bell - 223
Figure of eight knot
Tying - 18
Use of - 16
Fillet - 38
Filling in - 205
Striking - 205
Finance - 98, - 104
Fire precautions - 23
Firing - 145
Peal - 39
First aid kit - 21
Fish tails - 365
By eye - 27
Itinerant - 37
Number of - 37
Oldest - 34
Four stroke cycle - 168
Frame - 271
Loose - 274
Metal - 272
Painting - 272
Timber - 273
Fund raising - 153
Funerals - 148
Furniture - 70
Garter hole - 38, - 275, - 287
Ghost bell - 137
How long before calling - 211
Go of the bells - 56
Tower or frame movement - 56
Wooden tower - 55
Good Friday - 148
Good practice
Lowering the bells - 11
Good ringers
Use of - 156
Lithium - 278
Seepage - 279
Relaxed - 216
Wrong - 177
Ground pulley - 275
Gudgeon - 275, - 278
Wear - 277
Half hunt - 38
Half muffled ringing - 147
Half turn - 365
Half wheel - 38
Hand chimes - 79
Hand rails - 301
Hand ring exercise - 166
Hand sliding - 177
Handbells - 79
Keep in tower? - 79
Tune ringing - 153
Use - 79
Handcuffs - 80
Fault correction - 177
Odd struck bell - 220
Vertical movement exercise - 166
Adjusting height - 216
Evolution - 38
Need for pulley - 283
Handstroke v backstroke
Ease of setting - 62
Hastings Horne, Edward - 282
Hastings stay - 275, - 281
Hat contest - 121
Analysis - 23
In ringing room - 10
Headstock - 274
Metal - 274
Timber - 275
Heaters - 71
Heavy bell
Effect on rhythm - 198
Ringing - 56
Teaching bell handling - 175
Help line - 109
Helping - 205
Heywood, Sir AP - 36
Higher numbers
Listening - 224
Ropesight - 229
History of ringing - 34
Hocketing - 42
Holiday ringing - 115
Holt’s Original - 45
Hopeless trainee - 128
Hospitality - 29
Housekeeping - 31, - 75
Excessive - 201
Bell control - 181
Different speeds - 236
Introductory methods - 182
Learning - 235
Number of bells to teach - 182
Predictability - 181
Ropesight - 196, - 228
Teaching - 181
Why difficult - 235
Illumination - 300
Image of ringers - 109
Imbalance between handstroke and backstroke - 176
Improvised touch - 144
In slow - 365
Information in tower - 30
Instructor - 91
Insurance - 97
Interest in ringing, fostering - 110
When teaching bell handling - 174
Interviews - 110
Italian ringing - 41
James, H Law - 39
Johnson, Andrew - 46
Striking competition - 119
Keeping the ringing right - 265
Kent places - 364
Kent Treble Bob (any number) - 245
Key holders - 90
Knock out contest - 121
Up and down type - 12
Ladder, Striking - 121
Launton quietener - 78
Lead head
Or lead end - 266
Knowing when - 237
In at once? - 132
Mix theory & practice - 161
Until when - 134
Learning - 213
Active participation - 218
Listening - 224
Method - 258
Ropesight - 225
Learning the numbers - 194
Legal responsibilities - 95
Library, Tower - 155
Safety - 71
Light bell
Effect on rhythm - 198
Ringing - 57
Teaching bell handling - 175
Light set bell - 62
Lighting - 300
Emergency - 301
Lightning conductor - 301
Lightning work - 365
Conditions for - 201
Exercise - 201
Higher numbers - 224
Learning - 224
Picking out one's bell - 224
Teaching - 200
When to teach - 200
Little Bob (any number) - 245
Local organisation
Support - 117
Lock out - 150
London group - 253
Long draught, ringing - 57
Long splice - 292
Looking after a touch - 211
Looking as a signal? - 206
What to do if - 219, - 243
Louvres - 303
Lubricant - 278
Effect of temperature - 278
Frequency - 277, - 278
Maiden bell - 68
Maintenance - 271
Major third bell - 37
Management - 122
Meet short - 130
Meetings - 93
Officers' - 95
Other - 94
Membership - 103
6ths place - 248
Advanced - 250
Codes for place bell order - 254
Double - 247
Intermediate - 244
Learning - 239, - 244, - 250, - 251, - 258
Learning time - 192
Names - 47
Of the month - 133
Progression - 245
Quick ways to learn - 256
Remembering - 239, - 240
Reverse - 246
Simple - 239
Starts - 241
Structure - 240
Teaching - 189
Theory - 192, - 251
When to teach - 191
Which bell to ring on first? - 191
Which to learn first? - 191
Method ringing
How long to learn? - 193
Success - 193
Method splicing
Origin - 39
Method theory - 130
Bell sound relayed by - 77
Minimalism - 42
Mirror - 80
Adapting to? - 205
Surviving other people's - 234, - 238
Model bell - 81, - 165
Money - 101
Muffle - 147
Car tyre - 78
Effect on odd struck bell - 52
Fitting - 147
Muffled ringing - 147
Musical - 149
When - 148
and Ringing - 42
Of work - 257
Origin - 47
Neighbours - 107, - 108
New Year’s Eve. - 148
Nine Tailors - 41
Abatement - 107
Complaints - 107
Norwich places - 365
Notice board - 73
Learning by - 189
Nuts and bolts - 302
Objectives - 102
Non ringing - 86
of the Band - 85
Publicised - 86
Odd numbers of bells
Why not all - 40
Odd struck
Ringer - 50
Odd struck bell - 50, - 198, - 296
Absolute - 50
Cause - 50
Concentration needed - 51
Difficulty ringing - 51
Effect of muffle - 52
Handling - 220
How to tell - 297
Mastery of - 178
Misleading ropesight - 51
Relative - 50
Variability - 51
What is not? - 51
Offertory - 33
Officers - 86
Combined roles - 87
Election - 87
How many - 86
Just one? - 87
Length of service - 88
Preparing to be - 89
Responsibilities - 90
Succession - 89
Suitable people - 89
Bearing - 278
Old rules and notices - 84
Ring of bells - 34
Open day - 111
Management - 113
Tower suitability - 111
Open lead
Effect of - 236
Rhythm of - 236
Open practice - 114
Order of work - 240
Belfry name - 48
Bell - 36
Bell wheel - 37
Bob - 48
Central Council - 36
Garter hole - 38
Method names - 47
Method splicing - 39
Ringing chambers - 34
Sally - 48
Single - 48
Out slow - 365
Outing - 149
Motivation - 150
Organising - 149
Travel - 151
Outside skills - 125
Outwards facing - 201
Over correction - 223
Over pulling - 176, - 223, - 239
Over reacting - 220
Frame - 272
Precautions - 272
PCC - 92
Representation - 106
Board - 83
Book - 74
Card - 84
First - 39
Length - 44
Why ring - 40
Penetrating oil - 303
Pictures - 84
Nuisance - 303
Pivot bell - 254
Place bell - 252, - 362
Codes for order - 254
Order - 252
Putting right - 255
Working out order - 252
Place counting - 181, - 236, - 237
Place notation - 240, - 257, - 361
Cambridge - 365
Kent - 364
Norwich - 365
Yorkshire - 365
Standing behind - 133
The band - 132
Plain changes - 38
Plummer block - 278
Pointing - 210
Post mortem - 135
Power cut
Precautions - 21
Cancelling - 129
Combined with bell handling? - 137
For learners - 156
Open - 114
Planning - 131
Running - 129
Scope - 133
Striking quality - 135
Variety in - 134
Fire - 23
Maintenance - 300
Near bells when up - 19
Painting - 272
Power cut - 21
Pushing bell off - 15
Ringing bell with people aloft - 20
Spare rope - 22
Dealing with - 109, - 110
Prime ring - 133
Hunting - 238
Ringing with others - 220
Chart - 75
Expectations - 122, - 171
Rate - 159
Bell handling - 170
Conducting - 204
Public ringing - 24
Long - 168
Short - 223
v check - 168, - 214
v feel - 168
Pulley - 283, - 287
Jammed - 284
Worn - 284
Pulley block - 283
Triples or Doubles - 45
Quality of public ringing - 24
Quarter peal
Book - 74
Card - 84
For service - 144
Quarter turn - 296
Car tyre - 78
Launton - 78
For teaching - 176
Raising and lowering - 130
Difficulties - 178
In peal, teaching - 179
Part of bell handling - 216
Teaching - 179
Record keeping - 32, - 74
Progress - 160
Age - 127
How many - 126
Reject? - 126
Sources - 127
Wastage - 126
Recruitment - 125
References - 3
Refreshments - 73
Regular method - 46
Churchwardens - 106
Clergy - 105
Community - 109
The church - 105
Remembrance Sunday - 148
Repeating blocks - 267
Reports - 94
Reverse Bob - 246
Reverse method - 246
Before ropesight? - 194
Bell control - 177
Blow to blow - 221
Conditions for developing - 199
Exercise - 199
Golden rules - 222
How heavy bells develop - 222
Learning - 221
Light bells how develop - 222
On different bells - 198
Open lead - 236
Ringing by - 222
Stroke to stroke - 221
Teaching - 197
When to teach - 197
Within swing - 221
Image - 109
Ringers' rules - 40
Ringers' tea - 118
Acceptable - 140
By ear - 225
By eye - 230
By rhythm - 222
Declaring capability - 115
Demonstration - 112
Half muffled - 147
Interest in - 110
Objectives - 211
On holiday - 115
Reasonable - 107, - 108
Record of - 74
When to teach theory - 123
Ringing chamber
Ideal for learning - 155
Location pro and con - 65
Sound level - 77
Why located where - 34
Ringing Master - 91
Ringing meeting - 117
Attendance - 117
Hosting - 118
Ringing organisation - 115
Assistance - 117
Names - 49
Ringing periodicals - 36
Ringing with others - 181
Learning - 218
Precursors - 183
Problems - 184
Teaching - 183
Striking - 28
Rope - 287
Adjusting tucks - 16
Break - 22
Break, what to do - 14
Climbing - 177
Coping with long - 16
Drawn - 58, - 59
Floor impact - 288
Flying around - 59
Fraying - 289
Grip transfer exercise - 167
Handling - 166
How much tension - 215
Length - 15
Length calculation - 295
Length for teaching handling - 16
Length variability - 54
Life - 290
Long draught - 57
Lubricant - 290
New - 57
Pulling out of hand - 215
Relaxed grip - 216
Securing tuck - 288
Sleeve - 288
Slip wheel - 60
Splice - 292
Splicing synthetic - 294
Springy - 57
Stiff - 55
Sympathetic use - 32
Synthetic - 54, - 55, - 293
Tail end - 288
Telling which bell is which - 57
Throwing - 176
Tidy when not in use - 75
Top end - 287
Tucking - 288
Wear - 287, - 288
Rope circle - 58, - 59
Good or bad - 195
Rope guide - 58
Rope length
Control - 215
Rope mats - 76
Rope pulling - 168
Rope splicing - 130
Rope tension exercise - 167
Rope time
How much - 136
And coursing order - 230
Before rhythm? - 194
Breakdown - 229
Exercises - 195
Good and bad conditions for - 194
Harder out of place - 230
Higher numbers - 229
How it works - 226
How to improve - 229
Learning - 225
Misleading - 51, - 239
Problems - 197
Spectacles - 226
Teaching - 193
Techniques - 227
Maximum number - 44
versus change - 43
Runner board - 280, - 282
Running practices - 129
Safety - 10
Access by non ringers - 11
Bell up with broken rope - 14
Bells when up - 19
Broken stay - 18
Clothing while ringing - 13
Door opening - 23
How to indicate bells are up - 12
Lifting through trap doors - 71
Lowering bells after ringing - 11
Maintenance - 300
Moving during ringing - 11
Open day - 112
Pushing bell off - 15
Standing bells at backstroke - 13
Teaching - 165
Teaching bell handling - 174
Telling whether a bell is up - 11
Warning signs - 12
When not ringing - 15
Break? - 289
Origin - 48
Snatching - 176
Striped pattern - 61
Timing the catch - 216
Scientific Triples - 46
Scrap book - 32, - 84
Se - 138
Seating - 70
Secretary - 91
Seeing what is happening - 230
Attendance - 105
Changing ringing routine - 139
Length of ringing - 138
Need to ring all bells? - 140
Quarter peals for - 144
What to ring - 139
Who to ring - 139
Service touch - 140
Short pull - 223
Short splice - 292
Short strokes - 176
Treble - 250
Silencer - 77
Simpson tuning - 68
Simulator - 79
All bell - 299
Obtaining - 80
Use - 80, - 130, - 156, - 202
Call - 48
Needed for extent - 45
Single Oxford - 245
Singling in - 144, - 267
Sitting out
Behaviour - 25
Maintaining interest - 184
Slider - 280
Shape - 282
Slider pin - 280
Slip wheel
Cause - 280
Rope - 13, - 60
Snow in bells - 55
Social event - 151
Support - 152
Social Secretary - 92
Absorption - 77
Augment in ringing room - 77
Lantern - 298
Through church PA system - 77
Sound control - 298
Permanent - 298
Variable - 298
Sound level
Ringing chamber - 77
Sound of full circle ringing - 68
Spanner - 303
Effect on ropesight - 226
Different needed to hunt - 236
Effect of rope length - 223
In bell handling - 199
Inadequate change - 238
Not adjusted - 220
Teaching control - 180
Zero effort - 224
Spider - 76
Spiral stairs
Direction - 64
Getting things up - 70
Splice - 61
Rope - 292
Method - 39
Squared paper - 82
St Clements - 245
Bell control - 178
Stance - 166
Which way to face - 221
Standers behind
Placing - 133
When required - 25
With no stay - 69
Without warning - 24
Standing behind - 207
Effect of advice - 209
For first rounds - 207
What to look for - 208
Stay - 62, - 280
As safety valve - 281
Banging - 176
Break - 22
Bump prone - 63
Buying - 282
Checking - 281
Detecting damaged - 22
Frequency of breaking - 63
Learners breaking? - 175
Material - 280
Need for - 69
Prevent break - 22
Recognising absence or damage - 18
Ringing without - 23
Shape - 280
Why not stronger - 63
Bells with none - 69
Calling positions - 261
Steeplage - 100
Steeple keeper - 92
Strickle - 66
Striking - 26
Adapting to other ringers' mistakes - 205, - 219
Adjust for other ringers' errors or not - 28
Band improvement - 26
Band placement for best - 120
Big v small bells - 54
Developing good - 124
Essentials for good - 221
Factors influencing - 26
Improving - 221
Knowing when correct - 234
Knowing when good enough - 26
Personal improvement - 26
Setting example - 28
Teaching good - 197
What makes easier - 198
While learning method ringing - 192
Striking competition - 119
Competing - 120
Fault - 119
Judge - 119
Training for - 120
Striking ladder - 121
Striking simulator - 202
Structure - 240, - 243, - 244, - 255
Above the treble - 248
Below the treble - 248
Bell handling - 217
Ingrained - 217
Sunlight dazzle - 72
Sweeping - 175
Synthetic rope - 293
Splicing - 294
Table in rope circle - 70
Tail end slipping - 177
Nine - 41
Tape recorder - 81
Taped ringing - 202
Tasks in running a tower - 86
Tea, ringers' - 118
How many - 123
Improvement - 163
Skills needed - 163
Who - 162
Teaching - 158
Adapt to individual - 172
Advice - 159
Bellhandling - 164
Call changes - 185
Conducting - 203
Correcting faults - 159
Different tutors - 162
Diversity - 160
Listening - 200
Methods - 189
Qualities required - 162
Raising and lowering - 179
Responsibility for - 158
Rhythm - 197
Ringing with others - 183
Rope handling - 166
Small steps - 158
Speed control - 180
Structured - 158
With no band - 156
Teaching aid
Dummy tail end - 80
Hand cuffs - 80
Method maker - 81
Mirror - 80
Simulator - 79
Tape recorder - 81
Video camera - 81
Team spirit - 124
Effect on lubricant - 278
Tenor - 48
When to teach - 123
Thinking ahead - 238
Tie rod - 276
Timing - 131
Toddlers - 76
Toe strap - 60
Tools - 303
Touch - 48
Fit to time - 143
Improvising - 267
Preparing to call - 266
Remembering - 259
Timings - 131
Touch book - 74, - 123
Acoustics - 63
Getting bells in - 65
Income - 99
Library - 155
Management - 122
Movement - 64
Organisation - 85
Spending - 98
Tower Captain - 91
Commitment - 128
Transposing - 262
Treasurer - 92
As sign post - 250
Treble bob hunt - 363
Treble passing - 239, - 241
Triple changes
Achieving - 5040 - 45
Pure - 45
Trophies - 83
Try again
When to - 212
Trying bell
Acceptable or not - 24
Tuck - 288
After ringing with others - 183
Intervention - 174, - 175
Twenty all over - 38
Twiddle pin - 275, - 285
Two bell ringing - 42
Uncertainty - 129, - 139
Under catching - 175
Under reacting - 220
Unplanned endings - 28
Unringable vicar - 105
Up knot - 12
Useful things - 74
Valuable books - 83
Avoiding - 209
Veronese ringing - 41
Video camera - 81
Past arms - 197
Rope circle - 194
Standing behind - 207
Visiting - 30
Visiting other towers - 114
Visitor - 29, - 30
Disappointment - 129
What to offer - 136
Visitors' book - 30
Tone of - 209
Walking outing - 151
Wander lamp. - 300
Warning signs
Bells up - 12
Wastage - 126
Weather, effects of - 54
Cancellation - 146
Charge - 99
Payment - 100, - 146
Ringing - 144
Tax on payment? - 147
Wheel - 279
Brace - 280
Damaged - 280
Half - 38
Stay - 280
Warped - 280
Wheel-stay - 276
White board - 82
Whole turn - 365
Plain bearing - 277
Wish list - 135
Wrong, bell up - 52
Avoiding - 53
Correcting - 54
Damage - 53
Detecting - 52
Standing difficulty - 52
Why - 53
Yorkshire places - 365
Yorkshire tail end - 61
Zero effort speed - 224
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